Democratic Freedom Caucus Endorses Herb Riede for City Council in Meadville, PA

The Democratic Freedom Caucus (DFC) has endorsed Democratic candidate Herb Riede for City Council in Meadville, PA.

Herb Riede is in favor of the kind of practical tax reform the DFC advocates, as described in our Principles and Platform.

He has an impressive resume – his main background is in IT but he also has political experience, including as Mayor of McSherrystown, PA, 2005-09; Per Capita Tax Assessor, 2nd Ward, Meadville, PA, 2011-15; and Councillor, McSherrystown, PA, 2003-05.

Democrats tend to do well in Meadville, so Riede has a decent chance of winning the election, if he gets the word out.

If you send a donation, please include a note that says you were “referred by the Democratic Freedom Caucus (DFC)” or “referred by the DFC”.

Herb Riede’s Facebook page is:

Donations to Herb Riede’s campaign can be sent by PayPal,
from his campaign’s Facebook page, or from this link:

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